Thursday, May 31, 2007

"At some point in your life you will run worse than you ever thought possible"

I'm in the middle of the downswing that won't go away. I'll start posting more once I have the heart and am convinced that I know how to play poker again.

Roll = $882.10


EDIT: I'm on temporary poker hiatus until Monday night, I've played every day (for some length of time) since the end of April so some time off will probably do me well. Updates to follow.


Alan aka RecessRampage said...

Come on man. Keep the posts coming, post hand histories. We all go through downswings but you sound like a solid player. Fight through it man!

slb159 said...

"From time to time, everyone goes bust"
-Jewish Guy from "Rounders"

At least you're not at that point. One bad night, one good night...happens.

Hang in there, you'll recover.

Best of luck

Ryan said...

I'll post some histories when I feel like I was in a questionable spot...but most of the time it's pretty obvious I either played it poorly or I just got unlucky.

It's also hard to post histories from Bodog, but I'll get something up on Monday.